Charity of the year 2023!

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We are pleased to announce that for 2023 we will be raising funds for a local school charity... Ashgate Croft.

Ashgate Croft School is an Area Special School within Derbyshire Local Authority. There allocated number of spaces is 142, although they are currently over subscribed with 152 pupils currently on roll (YR-Y14), ranging widely in cognitive and physical ability and needs.

The majority of pupils have severe learning difficulties and would have difficulty coping in a mainstream school. Some of their pupils have profound and multiple learning difficulties, with an increasing number on the autism spectrum. A few pupils have moderate learning difficulties.

Class sizes range from 6-12 pupils. Smaller class sizes have become an essential feature of the education for some pupils with autism and/or extremely challenging behaviour.


We look forward to supporting this incredible school over the next year!